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International Leadership College of Bishops & Pastors is committed to helping you BECOME!
Level one is where everyone begins – Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette. This is not just a class, you are in an academic curriculum of high standards. You must attend the lectures and pass the test after each course level in order to receive credit and advance forward. This will require study and diligence. You will have to adjust your personal schedule in order to participate fully in all that we have prepared for you. The college is unique in that we offer 30 years of experienced, trained, respected and legitimate leaders. The college will focus on these major categories. 1. High quality academic training from respected and legitimate leaders. 2. Practicum. We will require you to demonstrate that you have mastered the materials through performance and scenarios. 3. We offer opportunity for legitimacy, growth, family and promotion (ie. licensing, eldership, adjutancy and a proven path to the bishopric and much more.) 4. Health. It’s important that we help you live to be 100. We expect to know the state of your health, and to provide training and tiered expectations for longevity by applying proper diet and exercise. A healthy body will give you a healthy mind.
The Apostolic Apology
One of the hallmarks of the Church is her timelessness and her ability to remain constant in an age when absolutes and truth are called “relative.” The Church of Jesus has received from Christ a system of government, which is vested with the apostles and, their successors, the bishops. Bishops have been given the unique ministry of healing for the Body of Christ in the earth, and because of their relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ the bishops become the spiritual progenitors of sons and daughters for the Kingdom of God.
We claim the Apostolic Succession to Christ and His apostles through Augustine of Rome who established the Church in England, which came to be known as “Anglicana” and from which came the Episcopal Church and Methodism in America. From that stream our Patriarch was ordained by one of the sons of John Wesley, and from that same stream he was consecrated by bishops who were themselves set apart as Ordinaries from Methodism and successors to Saint Peter, Saint James (The Righteous) brother of our Lord and all of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. By this claim, which is well documented, we shall, therefore pass that same Apostolic Succession on to those who qualify for the same. Our Prelates sit with us today, which have the same “succession” of which we are possessors, and whose theology is compatible with fundamental Christian doctrine. We delight to have them share with us in this historic processional. It should also be stated that our Patriarch, Right Reverend John William Wade II, is possessor of “Apostolic Succession” from the Western Stream, and from the Patriarchy of the East as well. This claim is documented in the Apology presented here.
Archbishop J. D. Ellis