International Leadership College Of Bishops And Pastors



  • Ethics comprises the principles of morality, including the science of the good and the nature of the right, and that they constitute the rules of conduct in respect to a particular class of human actions. 
  • The primary purpose of etiquette and a code of ethics is to guide professionals in helping their patients, clients and parishioners while behaving in a fair and descent way to colleagues.
  • Be prepared to do what you are asked to do and do only that. If you are asked to bless the offering, do not begin to pray for the sick. The Holy Spirit lends order and dignity when we do what is required. Always keep in mind, the Spirit is subject to the prophet . “The senior pastor.”


  • Conventional requirements as to social behavior; properties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
  • A prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony, as at a court or in official or other formal observances.
  • The code of ethical behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other: medical etiquette.
  • Good taste in conduct and appearance.


  • A minister must always be a gentleman or a lady.
  • A gentleman or lady may be a Christian, but not all Christians are gentlemen or ladies.
    Small words that are important, “Please and thank you”
  • Etiquette is essential to being a professional.
  • Etiquette is a conventional requirement as to proper social behavior, a prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony.


  • The minister must keep the nobility of the calling uppermost in his or her own mind.
    • If for any cause the minster begins to look down upon the profession or to feel that its glory has departed, then the calling is lost.
      Causes: temporal influence, cultural values, and money.
      If the minster attempts to use any of these things as a measure of success, failure will surely follow.
  • The minister must hold in outward acts to protect the established reputation of the Christian ministry.
    • I Cor 6:12 All things are lawful for me, by not all things are expedient (helpful)
  • The minister must guard the use of his or her name.
    • Association can lead to assimilation, and assimilation, can lead to evil partnerships.

Pulpit Decorum

  • When entering the pulpit, you are not to leave except in emergencies.
  • Be supportive of what’s going on.


The minister is courteous not only in worship, but also in any other gatherings, and what one may not say or do in the living room, it must certainly not be done in the house of God.

List Of Errors In Pulpit Decorum

  • Talking needlessly and laughing with another minister in the pulpit
  • Gazing vacantly about instead of being occupied gravely and intently with the duty of the hour
  • Smoothing the hair, arranging the tie
  • Touching the face without using the handkerchief, blowing the nose loudly.
  • Lounging in the chair or pulpit seat. Crossing the legs “like a big four”
  • Lack of reverence in attitude during prayer
  • Moving needlessly about
  • Showing anxiety over trivial details
  • Weaving or rocking up and down on your toes
  • Putting hands in pockets
  • Engaging in unusual mannerisms
  • Showing a spirit of levity, absent mindedness, slochiness or rudeness in any one of the innumerable ways in which these may be expressed.

Do Nots

  1. Chew gum, it is totally unacceptable in the house of the Lord.
  2. Come into the pulpit without proper grooming
  3. Carry a bad attitude into the pulpit.
  4. Randomly read scriptures, if you are asked to read the Word, practice
  5. Do not engage in preacher bashing

Visiting The Sick

  • No where is the minister more welcome or more eagerly awaited than in the sick room.
  • A good doctor brings calmness and a sense of security by his or her presence and so should the representative of the Great Physician.
  • Visits should be brief and encouraging.

Harmful Things To Guard Against

  • Never ask the patient what the sickness is.
  • Never sit or lean on the bed. Avoid jarring the bed
  • Do not set the patient against the doctor
  • Do not do hospital visits if you have a cold.
  • Give no information about the diagnosis if you know it. It is not your business to tell the patient how sick he is or is not.
  • Do not carry information from room to room, this devalues your profession.
  • Avoid carrying worries, problems, friction, tension and crisis into the sick room.
  • Never enter the patient’s room when the door is closed without getting permission from the nurse on duty.
  • Never argue with a patient

Ministering Bethren

  • It is proper to hold the door for those whose position exceeds yours
  • Watch for and escort the mothers and the elderly down the stairs and make sure they arrive to their cars safely
  • Use umbrellas when it is raining.
  • Open and close the doors for your wife.
  • In the restaurant, always pull out the chair for the ladies and push it in as she is seated.
  •  It is proper for her escort to order her meal after she has made a selection from the menu.
  • Make sure all ladies are seated before taking your seat
  • Remember to always be a gentleman even if the lady is not being a lady.
  • Always carry an extra handkerchief with you.
  • Always be sure if it is white, that it is white!

Groomed Preachers & Deacons

People take clean preachers more seriously.
You will be judged by your appearance and people decide about your taste by the way you dress.

4 points to become effective for the masters use

  • Proper behavior
  • Good taste and conduct
  • Proper speech and dress
  • Consecrated life to God

Wisdom From Arch-Bishop Ellis

"Get Up, Say It And Sit Down"

The Private Conduct Of The Minister

President Woodrow Wilson stated to a band of Christian workers and ministers in New York, “the Christian minister must be something before he can do anything”.

Christian leaders are held at a higher level of accountability.  – I Tim. 3:2  – Titus 1:7

The Christian Leader Must Be I Tim. 3

  • Prudent
  • Respectable
  • Not given to wine
  • Apt to teach
  • Not Self – Willed
  • Husband of one wife
  • Gentle
  • Free from love of money
  • Rules his own house well
  • A good reputation with those outside the church
  • Not quick tempered
  • Not pugnacious
  • Lovers of good
  • Just
  • Devout

Significance Of Colors

Gold Cross

Gold speaks to us of Deity, Divine nature, and the Glory of God I.E. The Gold Smith


Represents servanthood and humility.

Scarlet Red

The color of sacrificial blood.


This precious metal speaks to us of Redemption, the atonement, ransom and money.


Represents purity and cleanliness


This is thee most precious of the colors in ancient times. This color speaks to us of royalty and kingship.

Inspire to Become