Bishop Thomas D. Rouse III
Bishop Thomas D. Rouse III Biography
Bishop Thomas D. Rouse III is a native of Jacksonville, Florida.
He is the son of the late Bishop T.J. Rouse and Mother Annie Rouse. Bishop Rouse graduated from Paxon Senior High School in the Class of 1992. He went on to study Business Management at Florida Community College of Jacksonville. Bishop Rouse is currently a store manager for Publix Supermarkets, where he has been employed since October of 1990. He has been married to his lovely wife La’Kecia Rouse for 28 years. He also is the proud father of two beautiful daughters Ke’Shawnda and Ke’Onda Rouse and Grandfather of the one and only Aysiah Rouse.
Bishop Rouse answered his call to the ministry in October of 1995. He served as youth minister under Apostle Taylor for three years. The Lord began to deal with Bishop Rouse regarding his greater call of pastorship in early 1998. After much prayer and supplication, Bishop Rouse began his work of restoring the ministry his father founded. He held his first service on Sunday August 2, 1998 at Mattox Revival Center Ministries. In March of 2000, Bishop Rouse was ordained Elder by Bishop Jimmie L. Plowden Sr. and Bishop Rouse has served faithfully under the spiritual leadership of Bishop Plowden ever since. Bishop Rouse was elevated to the office of District Elder of the Northern Region District of Florida of the International Bibleway Apostolic Christian Assembly. In July of 2009 he was Consecrated to the Office of Bishop of the lord’s church and still serves under Bishop Jimmie Plowden.
Bishop Rouse is a true visionary and his vision for Mattox Revival Center Ministries is that of his late father “Winning Souls for Christ.” He also lives in hopes of making a difference in the world by “Bringing Revival to the World Through the Power of the Holy Ghost.” The vision God has given Bishop Rouse for this ministry is one that embraces and strives to bring excellence to the body of our Pentecostal churches by developing leaders that have humble hearts and a drive and determination to pursue God at any cost.

There have been so many mentors who have helped Bishop Rouse throughout his years in ministry, but he gives thanks and special recognition to his mentor and cousin Bishop J. W.