Bishop Ervin Jones

Bishop Ervin A. Jones III is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. Raised under the tutelage of the late Bishop Calvin D. Kinsey, Bishop Jones developed a strong passion for the Word of God at an early age. While spending his childhood, adolescence and young adult life at Cathedral of Faith C.O.G.I.C., Bishop Jones’ passion was cultivated as he taught Sunday School, directed the church choir, conducted Bible studies and ministered through Radio Broadcast. He began his evangelistic ministry at the age of 20 until the Lord called him to pastor.
In 2003, the Lord called Bishop Jones to the pastorate at the age 24. It was then he founded Life Changing Ministries of Jacksonville. In 2010 the Lord moved Bishop Jones to change the name of the ministry to the Restoration @ Life Changing Ministries, where people are constantly being restored to the image of Jesus Christ. God continues to use him in non-traditional, unorthodox, Holy Spirit inspired ways to draw and change the lives of people. While holding fast to biblical foundational truths, these methods serve as a testimony of drawing people to a more intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Bishop Jones was led to create a place for pastors to provide covering and guidance in 2010 named Kingdom Expansion Fellowship. The same year he also founded Changing Lives Christian Academy, which educates K5 through 8th grade. In 2011, he started the Restoration Bible Institute, where he continues to provide a place for people who desires to grow in their faith. Upon the transition of Pastor Lena Thompson, he assumed the pastorate of Life Point Church in 2018, in addition to his present church.
On July 30, 2022, Bishop Jones was consecrated to the office of Bishop under leadership of Bishop John W. Wade II. He was also appointed dean of the International Leadership College of Bishops and Pastors. Bishop Jones continues to grow and serve under the leadership of Bishop John W. Wade, Presiding Bishop of The Worship Center International.