Ecclesiastical Attire
Academic Grades of Ministry
The candidate must complete the suggested number
of years of service before matriculating to the next level of
ministry. Those candidates who seek ordination must complete
each level of their training.
1. Aspirant Minister 1 year
2. Exhorter Minister 1-2 years
3. Licensed Minister 2-4 years
4. Ordained Elder

Academic Requirements
Aspirant Minister
Aspirant: This is the first “lay” grade level of ministry.
This person has acknowledged a call to the ministry and is under the tutorial supervision of their pastor or a designated mentoring elder. The aspirant level of ministerial training consists of one year of theory in the ministry of servitude, according to scripture.
Attire for Aspirant
- Black suit
- Black tie
- Black shoes
- White shirt
- Black socks
- Well groomed
- Wedding ring
- Black watch band with black face
Biblical study and practical training in “the ministry of helps.” The aspirant must display an appreciation for the Word of God by attending the regular weekly Bible classes and Sunday worship. There must be an obvious demonstration of a devotional life, before this minister can move to the next level.
Academic Requirements
Exhorters: are ministers who have successfully
completed the aspirant grade level. This is the upper
lay grade level of ministry and a local letter of intention
is all that is issued for this level.
These ministers must continue in the ministry of helps, while increasing their understanding of scripture and its proper application.
At this level, the candidate receives oratory training
and practice in preaching under the supervision of
the pastor or designated elder. Because the exhorter
is a novice in ministry, outside speaking engagements
and visiting must be limited and severely restricted.

Civic Attire:
- Clergy Vests
- Minister tab collar
- White shirt
- Black pants and shoes

White Alb
Worn by the non-ordained ministers. This would include the white alb and the coronation tapestry stole. Ceremonial attire for exhorting ministers
Academic Requirements
The Licensed Minister
The Licensed Minister is the first level of credentialed ministry and is one who has successfully completed at least two (2) years in the lay division as both an asirant and an exhorter. Licensed ministers are required to maintain a licenses for two (2) years before candidacy for ordination. The licensed minister must have a theological understanding to the scriptures through systematic biblical studies or through an accredited School of Theology or Bible College.
- Licensed minister must enter an apprenticeship with a senior elder of this church or with their pastor before proceeding to the level of ordained priest (elder).
- This minister must have a clear theological understanding of the sacraments of the church and must have experience in the administration thereof (Baptism, communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, etc.).
The - minister should be aware of their own individual gifts and work to perfect them.
Civic Attire:

A Bishop

A Licensed Minister

Posterior View of Collar

Cuffs to Tab Shirt
Ordained Priest (Elders)
Academic Requirements
Ordained Priest (Elders): these are they who have completed all of the prerequisites for Holy Orders Ordination. Their pastor and district overseer
must recommend them. They must meet the Biblical qualifications of an “elder”.
Students who have completed seminary training (graduate degree: i.e. Masters of Divinity degrees, Doctor of Ministry, Masters of Professional Studies, Masters of Arts, etc.) will be credited for their formal education. They can be awarded a maximum of two credit years. This privilege can only be awarded based on the bishop’s recommendation. Bishops also have the authority to provide a credit of one year for non-degreed students who have proven to be exceptional. Each candidate must participate yearly in ministerial educational courses – local or abroad.
Local Church & National Requirements for Ordination
A. Candidate must be committed to assigned duties in their local church.
B. Candidate must be obedient, loyal and faithful to the local pastor and embrace the vision of their presider.
C. Candidate must be consistent in tithes and offerings. They must have an excellent attendance record to worship services.
D. Candidate must demonstrate a commitment to their national organization and to the vision of their presider
Domestic & Community Requirements
A. Candidate must have a good report and be sober minded
at home, in the community and place of employment.
B. Candidate must have at least three months of voluntary
time in the areas of HELPS ministries. The area of helps
may include: nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, hospice,
rehabilitation centers, homeless shelters, food banks,
counseling, divorce supporters, AIDS counselor. Other approved areas may include youth ministry, children’s ministry, usher, sexton, tape ministry, choir, transportation, etc.
Ordained Priests (Elder) Attire

Elder Civic Attire:
Neck Band and Shirt

Plain Front Rabat Stocks
- Clergy collar fits over a “stock” band sewn to the vest front
- Closes with a collar button at back of collar and an adjustable elastic waist band
- Finished with a set-in breast pocket
Elder Ceremonial Attire

Cassock: The Cassock is a symbol of servitude.

Anglican Cassock

Roman Cassock
Elders Surplice and Black Cassock

Collars and Cases
Collars symbolize the iron band protecting the priest from decapitation. Enemy soldiers of the cross often attempted to behead the priest for preaching the Gospel
You must be willing to offer you neck for the Gospel of Christ.

Deacons Civic Attire
- Black suit
- Black shoes
- Black socks
- Brothers Collar
- Black watch band with black face

Deacons Stole
The office of the deacon is an ordained appointment and is considered a vital role in Communion and service of the sacraments.
Two Grades of Deacons:
- Permanent Deacon
- Transitional Deacon

The Episcopal Orders
The Order of Prelature
- Presiding Bishop
- The Provincial or Diocesan Bishop ( this order is called the Ordinary)
- The Coadjutor Bishop
- The Auxiliary Bishop
- The Suffragan Bishop
- The Overseer
Episcopal Shirt

Episcopal Cassock

Episcopal Vests

Bishop Ceremonial Attire

Cassock With Cincture
The cincture is worn about the waist with the cassock. It is the girdle and symbol that Jesus girdled himself with a towel to wash His disciples feet.

The Bishop’s Prayer Cap: It’s removed during prayer.
Worn Only by the Bishop

- A cloak drawn from the academic tradition.
- Chimere is a sleeveless vestment with a collarless yoke. The full body of the chimere lies open at the front and is gathered into graceful fluting at the back.
- Buttons at the back of the yoke.
- For men and women
- Sleeveless out robe of the Bishop
- Represents the Bishops prophetic office

Episcopal Vestment
Jurisdictional Seal
- Stole or Tippet
- It is symbolic of jurisdiction

Episcopal Ring
- The ring is symbolic of sonship and collegiality
- Joseph was given a similar ring, symbolic of authority and sonship to the throne