Elder Marie Wade
Elder Marie Wade Biography
Elder Wade was born on March 25th to the late Ms. Betty Lee Wallace, the last of four siblings. She was reared and raised in Jacksonville, Florida by her mother and stepfather, Alfonzo Eugene Jenkins.
Elder Wade attended local schools in Jacksonville, Florida graduating in 1984 from Englewood High School. When Elder Wade was sixteen years of age, she attended Philippian Community Church, pastored and founded by the late Bishop Laurence Charles Callahan. It was under his pastorate that she received salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
On August 24, 1985, Elder Wade married her high school sweetheart, the now, Bishop J. W. Wade, II. As she traveled from various cities with her husband, she continued to pursue her college education. She acquired her AA degree in Tampa, Florida from Hillsborough Community College and she completed her B.S. degree in Biology at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. In addition to her educational pursuits in Tallahassee, Elder Wade gave birth to her first son, Johnny Willie Wade, III (Jay).
In 1991 she and her family moved to Cleveland, Ohio where her husband attended medical school. During her seven-year stay in Cleveland, Elder Wade worked as a laboratory technician and advanced to become a sales account manager for SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories. It was in Cleveland that she gave birth to her next two children, Jonathan Wesley Wade and Joshua William Wade.
In 1997 Elder Wade and her family moved back to Florida in hopes to open a medical practice. Medicine took precedence during the first six months of their stay but the Lord impressed upon Bishop Wade to start a ministry, Pentecostal Worship Center, which both he and Elder Wade have pastored since August 17, 1997. During the Holy Convocation in August of 1999, Elder Wade was ordained an Elder in the Lord’s church by her spiritual father, Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II. She serves as the Pastor of the Worship Center and is the chairlady of the Women’s Department and Virtuous Women’s Ministry.
In November 1999 Elder Wade gave birth to her fourth child and only daughter, Makayla Marie Wade. She homeschooled all of her children through high school and supported and encouraged them through college. Her greatest joy in life is being their mother, Bishop Wade’s wife, and “Glam-Ma” to her first and only grandchild, Dallas Jay Wade. From 2009 – 2020 she was an independent distributor of Premier Designs Jewelry where she enjoyed helping women discover the “jewel” inside of them.

She also works alongside her husband as the executive pastor of Pentecostal Worship Center.
It is best said by her husband, “Elder Wade is a loving wife, a mentor, a model and a true mother. Her life and her legacy will be a blessing to all women who desire excellence in Christ.”