Frequently Asked Questions

Please email all of your questions to Minister Andrea Ashley

These questions will be answered and posted.

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 You will automatically become a member of the college once you enroll in one of the training sessions that are held each year. You can enroll at and also review the website at

If you have a spiritual covering, your license and ordination will come through them. However, the college is designed to enhance and educate those who desire to serve in the ministry as deacons, adjutants, ministers, elders, ruling elders, overseers, bishops and presiding leaders. The College is committed to helping the individual grow, so that their ministries will have depth and meaning based upon the current times and seasons that we live in.

Women are empowered through example and by the teachings within ILCOBP. The college is committed to helping women find a place in ministry, and lifting them up in the areas of leadership. Also, offering an apostolic covering for those who are in need. The college is committed to encouraging women to fulfill their total destiny that’s connected to their ministry. Our leadership is filled with leaders that are females who are resources and examples for those future and upcoming servants of the kingdom.

The college is a great fit for young ministers for two reasons. Number one, young ministers have examples that they can look to who are presently serving in ministry and have weathered the test of time. Secondly, the college is also a place where young ministers can develop and hone their skills as they grow and develop in ministry.

Each year the college will gather together for a national training in the month of July. You can register at Throughout the year the college will offer continuing educational training. Stay connected with us through the website

The trainings are held in Jacksonville, Florida; however, continue to watch the website & social media for other events and retreats.

The trainings are 40-50 minutes each session.

Candidates who have a serious interest in ministry or those who hold a title in ministry are welcomed to attend the college. Those who are not officially in ministry will need to refer to the attire protocol, which would be the same as an aspirant minister.

Yes. You will simply need to go to Eventbrite.Com and register.

 Yes; the College is a Non-Denominational academic college that accepts all nations and people.

All topics will be supported by these 7 Pillars: 

1. God, Devotion and Service

2. Personal Health & Longevity

3. Personal Leadership Growth & Development

4. Developing Healthy & Wholesome Families

5.  Discovering and Appreciating Hobbies & Recreational Activities

6. Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit & Creativity

7. Financial Freedom & Generational Wealth.

Please refer to the attire protocol on the website.